Initially, Robotic Process Automation was seen primarily as an interesting, innovative technology. It became a trend to launch a pilot project. However, the situation has changed rapidly. Software robots have advanced from the tactical to the strategic level. RPA technology has become one of the main streams of digital transformation, led by companies – both small and largest – from all over the world.
Automation has ceased to be purely a new technology, IDC analysts confirm, showing the data as a proof: 30% of companies in Europe already use Intelligent Automation technology. By the end of 2023, another 37% of organisations will be on this path.
Nearly 35% of senior managers surveyed by IDC argue that RPA currently has the highest investment priority. Why? It’s simple. Because software robot technology provides many additional benefits, in addition to merely improving performance.
Especially in a post-pandemic environment as well as in the face of growing geopolitical uncertainty, intelligent automation is perceived by many as a key factor ensuring the preservation of business continuity for every modern organisation. It is both a blessing and a curse of digitisation. An unstable and uncertain environment creates risks, but technology makes it possible to become at least largely independent from these factors.
Intelligent automation plays a key role today as it tackles the four different strategic challenges faced today by organisations in many industries. According to IDC analysts, these are:
- Maximising adaptability and increasing business resilience
- Supporting satisfaction, commitment and empowering employees
- Following the path of sustainable development, transparency and taking up initiatives to increase customer trust
- Breaking blockages for a true digital transformation.
If you would like to learn more about the strategic importance of automation, we recommend taking a look at the IDC e-book The Strategic Importance of Automation. It will also help you find out how a provider like UiPath and Betacom can help you transform your organisation.